Convention Center International Competition, Madrid, Spain, 2006
Madrid convention center design is the distribution of the elements of a particular program on a selected site to achieve sound functional relations with different functions.
Madrid convention center design is the distribution of the elements of a particular program on a selected site to achieve sound functional relations with different functions.
Project goals are: Establishing a unique environment where the administrative and commercial activities are the main pillars of it to create a distinguished business center.
The design challenge was to create a dynamic, vibrant, and inviting shopping center through the massing of adjacent buildings that are variable within a unity of composition.
Jordan has a highly developed communications infrastructure. Orange Jordan is a public mobile telephone network operator and is the operator of the mobile communications.
The Hayat Alex Park project was the biggest challenge due to the company's desire for the new project to be a pioneering project in real estate projects in Alexandria.
This is one of the most difficult projects especially to design its layout for the separation factor which is mandatory. The challenge was the available land from the Tanzania government.
The competition aimed to establish a unique mixed-use complex that shall differ the mixed-use concept in Egypt, comprised of hospitality, Retail and Entertainment, Offices, and Residential.
It was limited competition for Alsharqia Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has devised several promotional and developmental services to provide support to the private sector.
The international shipping industry is responsible for the carriage of around 90% of world trade. Shipping is the lifeblood of the global economy.
QIB intends to construct a luxury apartment building. The building consists of reasonably spacious high quality hotel class apartments including building and tenant facilities.
The form of the building of the Syriac cultural center is reflecting the integration between civilizations' history & the Syriac civilization. The building is reflecting the symbol of new civilizations.
The architectural design of the Madina Development Authority's headquarter is focused on achieving the high standards of sustainable design for better performance.
Design Concept based on the analysis of culture and society expanded the importance of dynamic form design and has been the point of departure for the architecture design concept.
It was a limited competition. The challenge of this competition was focused on the idea of placing all residential and hospitality units towards the sea view.
A Luxurious, high-end commercial project with flexible multiple office spaces, a visitor center, and a multi-story car park all designed to meet the client's vision and needs.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
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